
Candice Barrett – This program pushes you beyond your boundaries

Quarta intervista agli studenti della seconda edizione di Relational Design. Oggi è la volta della nostra studentessa di Chicago, Candice Barrett.

Who are you, what is your background?
My academic background is in Political and International Sciences, however I have always had a keen passion for communication and new media. Born and raised in Chicago, I moved to Italy a few years ago in order to further pursue my studies. Born into a multicultural family, I have always had a particular interest in culture, travel and cuisine. I am also an avid cyclist, trekker and skier.

What course did you like the most?
It is difficult to choose a favorite course as all of the courses for Relational Design are different and thought-provoking in their own way. However, if I had to choose one course that I liked the most, it would have to be the week long summer camp we had in August. The theme was storytelling and we were introduced to the many forms of storytelling and how they have evolved over time. We were fortunate enough to team up with Alce Nero, an organic food company, with the task of projecting a Social Media strategy that aligned with their goals and that also incorporated modern storytelling methods.

Why enroll  the Master Relational Design?
The reasons to study a master in Relational Design are many. The world indeed is constantly mutating, this does not exclude the educational sector. This master is an innovative, practical and dynamic approach to learning about digital media and communications. Communication and digital media has become an ever more important aspect to any business and the skills you learn over a one-year period can prepare you for work in almost any sector. Not only are you introduced to relevant topics within design and new media, but you are taught teamwork and leadership skills, independent and critical thinking and most importantly how to project and communicate ideas.

Relational Design for me is…
For me, Relational Design is growth. This program pushes you beyond your boundaries where you are able to experience new places through travel, new people from all over Italy, new concepts and most of all you grow to become more relational in every aspect.